P. 11

                                                                 THE WHO REPRESENTATIVE TO MALAYSIA, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM AND SINGAPORE

                 Following  the  severe  acute  respiratory  syndrome  the  implementation  of  modelling  and  projections  for  the
                 (SARS) outbreak in 2003, the government and health  introduction and lifting of public health and social measures,
                 authorities  of  Malaysia  have  taken  great  steps  to  and  health  services  capacity.  Collaboration  also  included
                 bolster the country’s health security and multisectoral  timely  and  proactive  two-way  communication  with  the
                 response capacity for health emergencies and disaster  public to address uncertainty and support compliance with
                 preparedness.                                        the measures introduced, provision of the first COVID-19
                                                                      test  kits  before  they  became  commercially  available,
                 These  measures  were  reinforced  by  a  Joint  External  sharing  of  critical  diagnostic  and  treatment  protocols
                 Evaluation  of  the  International  Health  Regulations  and WHO guidance, and involving Malaysia in global
                 core  capacities  conducted  with  the  World  Health  research.
                 Organization  (WHO)  in  late  2019.  The  most  critical
                 gaps within human and animal health systems and the  This  book  is  a  testament  to  a  long  tradition  of
                 containment of environmental hazards were identified,  partnership  and  solidarity,  and  it  is  a  story  about
                 which  provided  an  opportunity  for  enhancement  sharing  knowledge  and  expertise,  and  building
                 of  preparedness  and  response  capacities.  All  of  resilient health systems, together.
                 these actions helped Malaysia to face the COVID-19
                 outbreak  better  prepared  and  with  the  infrastructure
                 and  well-trained  workforce  in  place  to  provide  high-
                 quality health care.

                 Building on long-standing cooperation, the Ministry of  Dr Lo Ying-Ru Jacqueline
                 Health Malaysia and WHO worked jointly to address  Head of Mission and WHO Representative to
                 the  emerging  needs  of  the  country.  This  included  Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and Singapore

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