P. 39

Low Risk COVID-19 Quarantine & Treatment Centre MAEPS

               The Low Risk COVID-19 Quarantine & Treatment Centre Malaysia Agro         COVID-19 but as cases increased, the centre was also used to admit new
               Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS) was a brainchild of YAB Prime Minister    cases. The centre was later used to house immigration detainees diagnosed
               in anticipating for possible surge of cases during the first wave. It entailed a   with COVID-19 from the various immigration depots.
               multi-agency collaboration including private entities and NGOs. The Centre
               was developed within three days through consolidated and coordinated effort  Throughout its operation, the centre managed to treat 1,362 patients of which
               of various agencies led by NADMA. The Medical Programme together with     94% were males and 69% were undocumented immigrants or pendatang
               the Planning Division took a lead role within the MOH in designing the layout   tanpa izin (PATI). The centre had a total workforce of 1,157 personnel from
               of the Centre and also in planning of its operation. It opened its doors for   various agencies (665 medical and 492 uniformed personnel). The centre also
               operation officially on 16 April 2020.                                    capitalised various new technologies in its everyday operation; for example
                                                                                         robotic technology to assist in food serving to the patient, electronic medical
               Throughout the duration of the centre’s operation, many milestones were   record as well as thermal and optical scanners for health staff surveillance.
               achieved and history was made. Function of this centre evolved over time.   It was officially closed on 15 July 2020 leaving behind all the memorable and
               It was initially intended as a step-down centre for patients recovering from   invaluable experience for all those involved in its development and operations.

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