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                 2.4.2  The Requirement Model

                 The Needs-based requirement model for each selected health profession was also developed
                 using the system dynamics approach. The requirement model was used to determine the
                 number of HRH workforce required to attain the population health care needs
                 (as opposed to health care demand/utilisation). The needs are derived from the
                 factors  included  in  the  Needs-based  approach  and  defined  from  the  perspective
                 of  health  care  providers.  In  this  study,  however,  the  term  health  care  ‘demand’  was
                 used in what-if scenario analysis to refer to the ‘adjusted need’ which is defined as
                 the health care needs adjusted to follow closely the current health care utilisation.

                 The requirement models for all professions were structured based on three (3) categories of
                 Malaysian common health care provider’s services which were the preventive care, disease-
                 based care, and other health care services. Each of these categories were further broken
                 down into relevant sub-categories, each to correspond to the requirement sub-models, as
                 detailed in Table 8, Table 9, Table 10, Table 11 and Table 12 for Doctor, Dentist, Pharmacist,
                 Nurse and AMO, respectively. Note that the requirement models for Pharmacist, Nurse and
                 AMO are heavily based on output from the Doctor’s requirement model. The sub-models
                 listed in table 4c, 4d and 4e are additional and specific to Pharmacist, Nurse and AMO.
                 Figures 10a, 10b and 10c are samples of SD-based requirement model for Doctor, Dentist,
                 Pharmacist, Nurse and AMO, respectively.

                                      Table 8: Requirement Model (Sub-Models) for Doctor

                                                    REQUIREMENT MODEL
                   Service                                        Sub-Model
               1.   Preventive     1.   Antenatal care                   7.   Men’s health
                     Care      2.  Delivery                              8.  Quit smoking
                               3.  Child health                          9.  Special purpose medical check-up
                               4.  School health                         10.  Adolescent screening
                               5.  Women’s health                        11.  Elderly screening
                               6.  Family planning
               2.   Disease-   1.   Breast cancer                        24.  Tetanus
                     based care  2.  Mouth & oropharynx cancer           25.  Polio
                               3.  Oesophageal cancer                    26.  Measles
                               4.  Stomach cancer                        27.  Meningitis & Encephalitis
                               5.  Colon & rectum cancer                 28.  Hepatitis A
                               6.  Liver cancer                          29.  Hepatitis B
                               7.   Pancreas cancer                      30.  Hepatitis C
                               8.  Trachea, bronchus & lung cancer       31.  Other hepatitis
                               9.  Cervical cancer                       32.  Malaria
                               10.  Ovarian cancer                       33.  Dengue
                               11.  Prostate cancer                      34.  Lower respiratory infection (LRI)
                               12.  Bladder cancer                       35.  Upper respiratory infection (URI)
                               13.  Brain & other central nervous system cancer  36.  Otitis media
                               14.  Lymphoma                             37.  Maternal haemorrhage
                               15.  Leukaemia                            38.  Maternal sepsis
                               16.  Tuberculosis                         39.  Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy
                               17.  Syphilis                             40.  Obstructed labour
                               18.  Chlamydia                            41.  Abortion
                               19.  Gonorrhoea                           42.  Low birth weight
                               20.  HIV                                  43.  Birth trauma & asphyxia
                               21.  Diarrhoeal diseases                  44.  Neonatal infection
                               22.  Diphtheria                           45.  Protein energy malnutrition
                               23.  Pertussis                            46.  Nutritional anaemia

   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40