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                 2.5    Data used in HRH Projection Modelling

                 Data to project supply and requirement of doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and
                 AMOs in this study were obtained from various combinations of primary and secondary
                 sources. The study considered various data from multiple sources. Following are the broad
                 list of data and data sources that were obtained and considered to be used in the study;

                 a)     Training Sub-Model: Data on training including the number of student intakes, enrolment,
                 drop-out, number of graduates by training institutions were obtained from Ministry of Education
                 (Higher Education), medical faculty in local universities, MOH Training Management Division,
                 education sponsorships agencies,    councils / boards and MOH Human Resource Division.

                 b)     Population Sub-Model: Data on total stocks, newly employed HRH, number
                 of health professional by age group and gender as well as service data, which includes
                 resignation,  retirement  and  death,  were  obtained  from  councils  /  boards,  MOH  Human
                 Resource Division, and MOH Training Management Division. Age-specific mortality rate was
                 obtained from the Department of Statistic and article by Mohamad Adam Bujang et al. (2012).

                 c)     FTE Sub-Model: Data on distribution of HRH in direct and indirect patient care, post-
                 graduate and post-basic study and maternity leave was obtained from Ministry of Education
                 (Higher Education), MOH Human Resource Division and MOH Training  Management Division.
                 HRH average working time was calculated based on working time for the civil servant as stated
                 in General Order (Chapter G), and study on primary care establishment by Hwong et al. (2014).

                 d)     Requirement Model:

                     •  Incidence and prevalence of disease data from The Second Malaysian Burden of
                        Disease and Injury Study (Institute of Public Health, 2012), National Health and
                        Morbidity Survey 2015 (Institute for Public Health. 2015), Malaysia Global Adult
                        Tobacco Survey 2011 (Institute of Public Health, 2011), National Oral Health Survey
                        of Adults 2010 (MOH Oral Health Division, 2012).
                     •  Survival rate and treatment modalities from disease registry (example; Cancer
                        Registry, Renal Transplant Registry)
                     •  Disease severity and length of stay for in-patient care from MOH Casemix system
                        (Medical Development Division, 2012)

                     •  The utilisation of healthcare services and service coverage data were obtainedfrom
                        National Health and Morbidity Survey 2015 (Institute for Public Health. 2015), Health
                        Information Management System (Health Informatic Centre, 2013), MOH Family
                        Health Development Division for preventive care services, Oral Health Programme,
                        Pharmacy Services Division, MOH Forensic Service etc.

                 In the model development phase, multiple stakeholders such as Programme owners and
                 experts in respective fields were consulted to construct the model. In addition, Clinical Practice
                 Guideline (CPG) of services and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) were used as a guide.

                                                             SUPPLY AND NEEDS-BASED REQUIREMENT PROJECTIONS OF MALAYSIAN HUMAN
                                                                RESOURCES FOR HEALTH USING SYSTEM DYNAMICS APPROACH 2016 - 2030
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