P. 116

Managing the Deceased in COVID-19 Pandemic -

         Preparedness, Response, Management and Collaboration

          Due to the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic does not discriminate      with relevant agencies including Royal Malaysia Police and the
          its victims, it is of utmost importance that guidelines for management   Malaysia Civil Defense Force on the management of suspected
          of the deceased from all suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases,       COVID-19 patients who were brought in dead from outside hospital
          including the unidentified deceased, to be developed. This will not   grounds.
          only ensure the safety of personnel managing the bodies but is also
          in consideration of religious and medicolegal requirements. Thus, the   MOH has also participated in the productive collaboration between
          Medical Development Division and MOH Forensic Medicine service        Department of Islamic Development Malaysia, Office of Mufti of
          engaged with various government agencies, religious departments       Federal Territory as well as the Federal Territory Islamic Religious
          as well as NGOs in the development of several guidelines. During      Department to produce the guideline for managing COVID-19 dead
          the initial spread of the novel virus, guidelines on the forensic     bodies for Muslims.
          management of COVID-19 were mostly adapted from the Ebola
          management guidelines as much was then yet to be understood
          about the transmission modes and effects of COVID-19 on dead

          In March 2020, the Director General of Health Malaysia, “Mesyuarat
          Jawatankuasa Muzakarah Khas” for the Muslims and The Interfaith
          Council for the Non-Muslims collectively agreed upon the decision
          to minimize the process of performing funeral rites for the deceased
          with suspected/probable/confirmed COVID-19.

          This guideline which is reviewed from time to time as per necessity,              1   2    1 & 2. Training and practical sessions on correct techniques in
                                                                                                         hand sanitization, full donning of PPE and management
          explains regarding the management of the deceased COVID-19                        3   4        of dead body by National Forensic Medicine Institute of
          patients in hospitals, from identification by the next of kin to the                       3.   Hospital Kuala Lumpur with the Royal Malaysia Police
                                                                                                         Team of Experts from the Ministry of Health presented to
          funeral procedures for the funeral directors, management of                                    the National Muzakarah Committee Meeting of Islamic
          postmortem specimens in cases with probable/confirmed COVID-19                                 Religious Affairs of Malaysia at the Special Muzakarah JK
          and the recommended PPE usage in the management of deceased                                4.   meeting, 15 March 2020
                                                                                                         Pre-Muzakarah discussion session between Forensic
          with suspected/probable/confirmed COVID-19 infection. A separate                               Medicine Specialists and MOH top management in the
          guideline was also developed upon the collaboration between MOH                                presence of JAKIM

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