P. 102

Shielding Against

          the Invisible

          Apart from ensuring our facilities are well          Strategies employed by                  	(ƒ„ƒ)
          equipped and ready, guidelines and standard          the Medical Programme                   	ƒ€
          operating procedures (SOP) are key in                to ensure safety of HCW                  	ƒ
          ensuring containment of the virus. Throughout
          the pandemic, the Medical Programme                  and the general public
          developed, revised, adapted, and disseminated
          policies, guidelines, trainings, and other
          COVID-19 related information across all
          levels of the healthcare facilities to be used
          in the hospital settings. As such, the infection
          prevention control unit under the Medical
          Quality Care Section played a pivotal role in             	
          this process. As a unit that is tasked to ensure           ­                                                              „ˆ
          up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines during                          
          this pandemic, data and recommendations                    	                 
          from international bodies such as the WHO,                 
                                                                                                                                                 ­
          scientific studies and national consensus were             ‚
          used in its development process.                                                                   
          The Ministry of Health has an outstanding
          record in ensuring the health and safety of the
          nation. And this was echoed when the Joint
          External Evaluation commended the Ministry’s
          effort in developing the Malaysian strategies
          for emerging diseases and public health
          emergencies (MySED) 2 Workplan 2017-2021.
          This framework was used as the bouncing off                                                   ƒ
          platform to the development of many other                                                      
          guidelines during this pandemic.                                                               

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