P. 99
Social Media Engagement
with the public
In addition, the team also uses social media
platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and
Instagram to share information. Here daily
sentiment analysis is conducted where
appropriate responses are developed. This means
we are able to share the right information at the
right time to the right people. To date a total of
507 posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
have been developed. Where needed, the team
also responds to media and international queries
as well as producing reports and press statements
Key Activities of the Strategic & Risk
Communication Group
i. Producing daily media sentiment analysis
report on post related to hospital services.
Input is gathered from the vast social media
platform and the mass media.
ii. Gather and prepare media briefs, release and
press statements related to hospital services
for ministers and health DG.
iii. Manage the CPRC Hospital Services call
centre and email. Responding to various
queries and concerns from stakeholders. Some briefing material / inforgraphics
iv. Prepare and evaluate health posters, developed by OSH, IPC and the Strategic
infographics and other public/stakeholder and Risk Communication groups. These
information material. tools were used as regular prompts and
v. Assist and collaborate with international shared via WhatsApp chat groups / emails.
counterpart in repatriating Malaysians home.