P. 122

Continuity of Services for

         COVID-19 and Non-COVID

         Despite the uncertainties in managing the pandemic, the
         Ministry continue to place equal emphasis on the care of both
         COVID-19 and non-Covid patients. To ensure this, the MOH
         through the Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre Hospital
         Services systematically monitors, plans and coordinates service
         directions. As such, the guideline on facility planning and
         service implementation during a pandemic was developed.

         One of the key strategies in managing a surge of cases was the
         identification of MOH facilities to be designated as COVID-19
         treatment facilities. Majority of these hospitals operated as                                                         1.   Guideline for hospital to
                                                                                                                                  continue services during
         Hybrid COVID-19 hospitals. What this meant was, these                                                                    COVID-19 pandemic
         hospitals continued to treat both COVID-19 and non-Covid                                                      1   2   2.   Reviewing the trend:
         patients. Nonetheless when the country experienced a surge                                                               Coordination by team
                                                                                                                                  members at Medical
         in cases, these hospitals prioritized treatment of individuals                                                           Programme
         infected with the virus. At peaks of the pandemic, some of these
         Hybrid hospitals operated as full COVID-19 hospitals.

         To maintain service delivery continuity, surrounding hospitals
         absorbed (decanting) non-Covid patients. Nonetheless, these
         Hybrid hospitals continued to provide care for emergent cases
         as well as obstetrics services. Additionally, in anticipation of the
         rise in patients requiring critical care monitoring and treatment,
         identified ICU facilities were strengthened. Where needed,
         clinical areas were identified and repurposed as critical care

         As the majority of COVID-19 patients in Malaysia were
         Category 1 (asymptomatic) or Category 2 (mildly symptomatic),
         they did not need to be housed in hospital settings. Therefore,
         the Low Risk COVID-19 Quarantine & Treatment Centres
         (PKRC) were identified to reduce the burden on hospitals.

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